Sunday, September 21, 2008

20 Sept 08 - Development Screening

Went for check up today & nurse said it was FREE.. Onli for singaporean... Well, thanks anyway!!!

The nurse was really an interesting person, she took some device, asked me to look front... and she placed behind my ear... left and right, left and right... with high & low pitch sound... i jus turned left and right to see what is that....

Oh, i have turned 9months and few days old...

Weight: 9.3kg, abt 75 percentile
Length: 72.4cm, above 50 percentile
Head Circum: 45.4cm

What i can do now?
Stand strong with holding on..
can pull myself up, holding on to my playyard....
Can crawl.... (well,so late rite? I am jus lazy to crawl...) heehee
Sing song, erm... mummy called it blabbering words....
Clap hands
growing my 5th tooth...

Mummy and daddy gng overseas soon... i gng to miss them....


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